Enlaces dentro de la misma página html

Inicio » Enlaces dentro de la misma página html

Enlaces dentro de la misma página html

Link to id on page

<a>: The Anchor elementThe <a> HTML element (or anchor element), with its href attribute, creates a hyperlink to web pages, files, email addresses, locations in the same page, or anything else a URL can address.

Content within each <a> should indicate the link’s destination. If the href attribute is present, pressing the enter key while focused on the <a> element will activate it.AttributesThis element’s attributes include the global attributes.

See RFC 3966 for syntax, additional features, and other details about the tel: URL scheme.Using the download attribute to save a <canvas> as a PNGTo save a <canvas> element’s contents as an image, you can create a link with a download attribute and the canvas data as a data: URL:

Using target=»_blank» without rel=»noreferrer» and rel=»noopener» makes the website vulnerable to window.opener API exploitation attacks (vulnerability description), although note that, in newer browser versions setting target=»_blank» implicitly provides the same protection as setting rel=»noopener». See browser compatibility for details.AccessibilityStrong link textThe content inside a link should indicate where the link goes, even out of context.

Color del enlace html

If the web browser doesn’t know how to display or handle the file, it will ask you if you want to open the file (in which case the duty of opening or handling the file is passed to a suitable native app on the device) or download the file (in which case you can try to deal with it later on).

For example, the BBC homepage contains many links that point not only to multiple news stories, but also different areas of the site (navigation functionality), login/registration pages (user tools), and more.

Anatomy of a linkA basic link is created by wrapping the text or other content, see Block level links, inside an <a> element and using the href attribute, also known as a Hypertext Reference, or target, that contains the web address.

URLs use paths to find files. Paths specify where the file you’re interested in is located in the filesystem. Let’s look at an example of a directory structure, see the creating-hyperlinks directory.

The root of this directory structure is called creating-hyperlinks. When working locally with a web site, you’ll have one directory that contains the entire site. Inside the root, we have an index.html file and a contacts.html. In a real website, index.html would be our home page or landing page (a web page that serves as the entry point for a website or a particular section of a website.).


Los hipervínculos son una de las innovaciones más interesantes que ofrece la Web. Han sido una característica de la Web desde el principio, y son lo que hace que la Web sea una web. Los hipervínculos nos permiten enlazar documentos con otros documentos o recursos, enlazar con partes específicas de documentos o hacer que las aplicaciones estén disponibles en una dirección web. Casi todo el contenido de la web puede convertirse en un enlace, de modo que cuando se hace clic o se activa de otro modo el navegador web va a otra dirección web (URL).

Nota: Una URL puede apuntar a archivos HTML, archivos de texto, imágenes, documentos de texto, archivos de vídeo y audio, o cualquier otra cosa que exista en la Web. Si el navegador web no sabe cómo mostrar o manejar el archivo, le preguntará si quiere abrir el archivo (en cuyo caso la tarea de abrir o manejar el archivo se pasa a una aplicación nativa adecuada en el dispositivo) o descargar el archivo (en cuyo caso puede intentar tratarlo más tarde).

Por ejemplo, la página de inicio de la BBC contiene muchos enlaces que apuntan no sólo a múltiples noticias, sino también a diferentes áreas del sitio (funcionalidad de navegación), páginas de inicio de sesión/registro (herramientas de usuario), etc.

Enlace ancla html

Los hipervínculos son utilizados por un navegador web para pasar de una página a otra. However, you can also move to a different area on the same page. The following sections show users how to link to the top, bottom, or a specific section on a web page. Choose a method from the following list, or explore both options.

Today, all browsers still recognize «#» as a viable way of moving to the top or bottom of a page. However, this method is deprecated and may not work in future versions of HTML. We suggest using the id method instead as it is more current and versatile.

The following examples use #top and #bottom with the <a> tag and href attribute to link to that section of the page. This method is similar to using «id,» but you don’t have to pick a specific element. Click «Top» or «Bottom» in the Results section to see what happens.

In CSS, «id» is a selector that is used to designate an area that a link should point to, similar to anchor in HTML. The nice thing about using id is you can create a link to any element on the page, rather than only the top or bottom. In the following sections, you’ll see how to apply id to an HTML tag, and then how to link to it. This example will link to the opening paragraph at the top of this page.

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