Como unir dos paginas web en html

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Como unir dos paginas web en html

Html link to another page in same folder

With HTML, easily add page links to an HTML page. Link contact us, about, home or any other external website page using the page links, which gets added inside an HTML document. To make page links in an HTML page, use the <a> and </a> tags, which are the tags used to define the links.

The <a> tag indicates where the link starts and the </a> tag indicates where it ends. Whatever text gets added inside these tags, will work as a link. Add the URL for the link in the <a href=” ”>. Just keep in mind that you should use the <a>…</a> tags inside <body>…</body> tags.

Html multiple pages

In this article of the Web Standards Curriculum we’ll talk about web site navigation and menus. You’ll learn about different types of menus and how to create them in HTML. We’ll also touch on the subject of menu usability and accessibility. We won’t go into styling menus yet, but this article will lay the foundations. There are code examples to download to go along with this article — we will refer to these throughout the tutorial.

HTML5 defines a <nav> menu, which is to be used to contain the primary navigation of a web site, be it a list of links or a form element such as a search box. This is a good idea, as previous to this we would contain the navigation block inside something like <div id=»navigation»>. Yes, you can identify this for styling purposes pretty well, but it is a <div>, and therefore semantically anonymous. <nav> gives us a consistent way to unambiguously define with the primary navigation is, which is good for things like search engine optimization, and for visually impaired users using a screen reader, who will be able to find the navigation much more easier if it is clearly signposted (this does depend on the screen reader they are using supporting the <nav> element, so it might be a little way off yet). So, a navigation block would look something like this:

Html link to another html file

Linking in HTML code is done with the anchor tag, the <A> tag. The letter «A» in the tag is then followed by an attribute. For a link to another web page, the «A» is followed by «HREF». To set a bookmark in the same page, the «A» is followed by «NAME», which you’ll see how to do later.

After the address comes the right angle bracket ( > ). Next comes the text that people see, the text you want them to click on. To close an anchor link, you use the end anchor tag. Which is this: </A>

What we’re going to do is to place a hyperlink on our index page. When this hyperlink is clicked we’ll tell the browser to load a page called about.html. We’ll save this new about page in our pages folder.

And that’s a hyperlink! Notice that the only thing on the page viewable to the visitor is the text «About this site». The code we wrote turns it from normal text into a link that people can click on. The code itself was this:

So to turn text into a link you start with an angle bracket followed by the letter A. After a space, type HREF. An equal sign comes next. La página a la que quieres enlazar va entre comillas. Pero fíjate que hemos empezado con el nombre de la carpeta: pages/about.html. Esto dice: «Busca una página llamada about.html. Esta página está en la carpeta pages».

Simple html page with links

All links on a page will have a distinctive appearance unless it is overridden by the browser or by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). There will be an underline beneath the text of the link and it will usually be blue in color. It is also possible to place the <a> tag around an image tag to make that image a link.

A link (or hyperlink as it is also called) is created with a special <a> tag called an «anchor». It requires a closing tag and is used to delineate the text or HTML content that should be linked on the page. An <a> tag can also be used to mark a section of a web page as a target for another link to jump to. For example, this link will jump to the bottom of this page. If the «name» and «id» attribute is used, the <a> tag is an anchor, but if the «href» attribute is used then it is a link. Both attributes can be used simultaneously.

Besides linking to another web page or within another location on a page, you can also create a link to an email address. Depending on the browser’s ability, the operating system and the software installed, this will cause the viewer’s email program to automatically load and the email address will be placed in the “send to” field of the new email window.

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