Como hacer un menu para una pagina web en html

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Como hacer un menu para una pagina web en html

html navigation bar template

If your website is not limited to a single web page, you should consider adding a navigation bar (menu). The menu section of the website is designed to help the visitor navigate the site. Any menu is a list of links leading to the internal pages of the site. The easiest way to add a navigation bar to a site is to create a menu using CSS and HTML.

The first step in creating a vertical menu is to create a unordered list. We also need to be able to identify the list, so we’ll add an id attribute with the identifier navbar to it. Each <li> element of our list will contain one link:

Now it’s time to stylize the links themselves. We will add a background color to them, change the text parameters: color, size and saturation of the font, remove the underline, add small indentations and redefine the display of the <a> element from inline to block. Additionally, the left and bottom frames have been added to the list items.

The most important part of our changes is the redefinition of inline elements to block. Now our links take up all available space of the list items, that is, to follow the link we no longer need to hover the cursor exactly on the text.

barra de navegación html horizontal

El sitio web de comercio electrónico Designer Junkie Apparel utiliza un menú desplegable para mostrar todas sus categorías de productos, por ejemplo. That way, visitors can either shop the whole collection or hover over the menu and click one of the options to narrow down to the products they’re most interested in.

A drop-down menu is a list of options that is only revealed when a user interacts with the menu — either by clicking or hovering over it. The options then descend vertically, or “drop down,” and disappear again once the user disengages with the menu.

Since a dropdown menu allows you to place more content on a page without cluttering it, it’s commonly used in website navigation and forms. Let’s walk through how to create a basic and hoverable dropdown in HTML below.

To start, add a <label> element. In the opening tag, add a for attribute with a shorthand name for the dropdown list. For example, if the dropdown contains a list of dog names, then you could set the attribute equal to “dog-nams.” Here’s what your HTML might look like so far:

html navbar dropdown

I want to learn how to make my own versus using something somebody made already since most of the time, those 3rd party libraries are bloated with features whereas I only want features that I need so I want it to be completely hand-made by me.

Lets start eazy, since we have the js above on this page, we can worry about the css and layout. The layout that we will be using is an <a> element with a <img> element or a font awesome icon (<i class=»fa fa-flag»></i>) and a <span> to show the keyboard shortcuts. So this is the structure:

You can tweak and modify this code to make a better looking, more efficient contextmenu. As for modifying an existing contextmenu, I’m not sure how to do that… Check out this fiddle for an organized point of view. Also, try clicking the items in my contextmenu. They should alert you a few awesome messages. If they don’t work, try something more… complex.

lista de menús desplegables html

Este tutorial muestra cómo crear un menú en HTML. Normalmente, para crear un menú utilizamos una lista no ordenada. Usted puede por supuesto utilizar el div, span, p u otras etiquetas, pero la lista desordenada le da más flexibilidad en el futuro stling del menú.

El producto ofrece un diseño totalmente responsivo y compatible con todos los navegadores. Zemez proporciona 8 increíbles diseños para que elijas la opción más adecuada para tu proyecto. Elija diseños fijos y de ancho completo en un esquema de color oscuro o claro. El Script Navbar es fácil de integrar y no requiere ningún conocimiento técnico específico.

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