Cómo poner texto encima de una imagen con html css
How to put images next to each other in html
This is another method for working with Responsive sizes. It will keep your text centered and maintain its position within its parent. If you don’t want it centered then it’s even easier, just work with the absolute parameters. Keep in mind the main container is using display: inline-block. There are many others ways to do this, depending on what you’re working on.
<div class=»item item-image clear-border»><a href=»#»><img ng-src=»img/contract-directory.png» alt=»CONTRACTOR DIRECTORY» title=»CONTRACTOR DIRECTORY»></a></div><!– Image intended to work as a background –>
as Harry Joy points out, set the image as the div’s background and then, if you only have one line of text you can set the line-height of the text to be the same as the div height and this will place your text in the center of the div.
Html colocar la imagen de lado a lado
Welcome to a quick tutorial on how to position text over an image in HTML and CSS. Are you trying to add some captions over an image in HTML? Only to find that there are no “out-of-the-box” HTML ways to do so?
Some of you guys who have gone through other tutorials and examples may be wondering – Why not just use a generic <div>? Well, that will work as well. But one key advantage of using <figure> and <figcaption> here is search engine optimization (SEO). Yep, these tags will give search engines more hints as to what the image is about with the captions.
Thank you for reading, and we have come to the end of this guide. I hope that it has helped you with your project, and if you want to share anything with this guide, please feel free to comment below. Good luck and happy coding!
Imagen junto a texto html
This is another method for working with Responsive sizes. It will keep your text centered and maintain its position within its parent. If you don’t want it centered then it’s even easier, just work with the absolute parameters. Keep in mind the main container is using display: inline-block. There are many others ways to do this, depending on what you’re working on.
<div class=»item item-image clear-border»><a href=»#»><img ng-src=»img/contract-directory.png» alt=»CONTRACTOR DIRECTORY» title=»CONTRACTOR DIRECTORY»></a></div><!– Image intended to work as a background –>
as Harry Joy points out, set the image as the div’s background and then, if you only have one line of text you can set the line-height of the text to be the same as the div height and this will place your text in the center of the div.
Añadir texto a img html
Alguien me preguntó recientemente sobre esta técnica y mi primera reacción fue que probablemente era demasiado mundana para cubrirla como un tutorial. Pero luego me puse a pensar que en realidad hay algunas cosas interesantes que suceden aquí y el estilo es lo suficientemente moderno como para que la gente pueda estar interesada.
La idea es sólo para superponer un poco de texto sobre una imagen, pero como bloques que sobresalen de la izquierda con una cantidad uniforme de relleno todo el camino alrededor del texto de longitud variable. Aquí hay un ejemplo de captura de pantalla:
Poner la imagen como una imagen de fondo del div envolvente sería más fácil, pero en este escenario veo las imágenes como contenido, y por lo tanto pertenece en el HTML. Vamos a utilizar ese div envolvente como un contenedor para el posicionamiento absoluto.
Esto va a poner nuestro texto en la parte superior de la imagen muy bien, pero no logra la caja negra transparente que queremos lograr detrás del texto. Para eso, no podemos usar el h2, porque ese es un elemento de nivel de bloque y necesitamos un elemento en línea sin un ancho específico.